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China's Wuyuan Huangling holds the second summit of village chiefs of


ShangRao,China - As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, Chinese tourists are increasingly inclined to travel at a slower pace, with shorter cycles and closer proximity. They also place greater importance on safety, health, comfort travel experiences. According to the travel frequency analysis of Chinese rural tourism consumers in 2020, rural tourism has become a hot spot in the tourism market. The statistics indicate that in 2020, 70% of Chinese tourists have visited suburbs or rural areas in the province in the past year or half a year, more than 50% of tourists have visited rural areas multiple times in a year, and 18.12% of tourists have visited rural areas many times in one month.

However, with the prosperity of rural tourism in China, some problems have also been highlighted. For example, the homogenization of rural tourism products is serious. It may be difficult to maintain the enthusiasm of tourists to revisit the same places if there is no novelty. In contrast, international rural tourism is relatively advanced and has developed a rich rural tourism system. Therefore, it is crucial for Chinese rural tourism products to be distinctive, to discover the cultural connotations of local folklore, and to develop innovative tourism products.

Wuyuan Huangling Village is a typical case. Over the years, it has made great achievements in promoting "rural revitalization" and "tourism poverty alleviation". Huangling Scenic Spot pioneered "participatory poverty alleviation" to allow local villagers to participate in tourism development and become the beneficiaries of tourism development. The villagers' income from tourism and entrepreneurship reached more than 6 million yuan. Its per capita annual income increased from 3,500 yuan before tourism development to 40,000 yuan. The average annual income of households increased from 15,000 yuan to 130,000 yuan.

As the secretariat of "China International Tourism Village Alliance", Huangling Village initiates the second "International Tourism Village" Village Chief Summit, and send out invitations to the international tourism famous village. It is expected that at this year's summit, village chiefs from all over the world will express their opinions and discuss the development path and direction of rural tourism.

According to the actual situation of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, the summit will strengthen the transnational communication between the International Tourism Village Alliance and "Generation Z" through the online summit, offline communication. Generation Z refers to people born between 1995 and 2009, also known as the Internet Generation, and collectively refers to a generation that has been greatly influenced by technology such as the Internet, instant messaging, SMS, MP3, smartphones and tablets. This group is the main force of contemporary youth. They are an important audience for the future internationalization of Huangling. It is reported that the summit will be themed as "Co-construction of famous villages, Youth come first".

On October 17, 2018, the first International Tourism Village - Huangling Village Chief Summit was hosted successfully by Shangrao Municipal People's Government, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Agriculture, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture, and Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Development Commission. The summit also co-organized by Shangrao Tourism Development Commission and Wuyuan County People's Government. Nearly 100 village chiefs from famous tourism gathered in Huangling. They brainstormed around the theme "Rural Revitalization, Tourism Goes Frist".

Upon the event, villagers prepared farm-made rice wine and intangible cultural heritage folk performances such as the centuries-old Wuyuan dance "Quanhui", tea ceremony and Jiangwan bean curd stand to welcome global visitors. The village chiefs from all over the world visited "Shaiqiu Renjia" to experience the farming life under the guidance of Wu Xiangyang, the honorary village chief of Huangling.

In addition, aims to build a exchange platform of international talents, culture and capital, Champigny-en-beauce Village in France and Crowstone Village in Hungary signed friendship village agreements with Huangling. Nearly 100 tourism villages joined hands with the world's leading tourism villages to establish the China International Tourism Village Alliance, and set up an alliance secretariat in Huangling.

Along with the first summit, China's rural tourism brand was promoted. In August 2020, Huangling held the grand opening ceremony of the Sixth China Huangling Shaiqiu Cultural Festival. It is worth mentioning that Andrew Killeen, a well-known British journalist and writer, also participated in the Festival. Andy Killeen first visited Huangling in early spring four years ago, when he was doing research for his new book, Bright as a Mirror.

Only by further establishing a friendship relationship between China and international tourism villages with shared resources, complementary advantages, and by strengthening close communication and cooperation, can the world see China's countryside and let the international famous villages reach millions of ordinary family in China as well.

Media Contact

Contact: Jinzhong Cao

Company Name: Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd



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