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Comunità di notizie

L’industria del Beauty Cinese debutta sbarca alla Milano Fashion Week


Oriental Beauty Valley, il Consorzio dei marchi beauty di Shanghai, partecipa/debutta entra nella Settimana della Moda di Milano grazie alla collaborazione con la designer Francesca Liberatore

EMEET Videokonferenzkamera: Unschlagbares Amazon Prime-Herbstangebot


Autonomous Yard Robot Yarbo Continues to Delivers Tip-top Yard Maintenance Year Round


Yarbo Inc.’s intelligent yard robot takes the effort out of yard maintenance from season to season with the tap of an app.

Results of Ten Categories of Tiantan Award Announced at Closing Ceremony of 12th BJIFF


Chinese filmmakers march forward with a sonorous pace, striving for the dream of building China into a strong country with a big film output

VOOPOO Unveiled Its New Member of ARGUS Series, Solidarity and Big Eruption Refresh Your Impression


AUGUST 15th, VOOPOO released two new mod products of ARGUS series, ARGUS MT and ARGUS XT, besides the solidarity that they inherit from the ARGUS MOD FAMILY, they also impress you with their innovation and professional vaping experience.

GEM, a Leading Green Enterprise in China, will land on the Swiss Exchange


GEM (stock code: 002340), a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, announced that on June 22, 2022, that the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) gave its approval for the company to issue global depository receipts (GDR) and to be listed on the Swiss Exchange (SIX). On July 20, 2022, SIX approved GEM to issue GDR and to be listed on the SIX. So far, the path of GEM issuing GDR and going public on the SIX have been unimpeded.

ICCPP’s Gene Tree Special Edition: new technological revolution in vaping


The news that The FDA banned the sale of Juul’s e-cigarettes in the U.S. caused an uproar in the industry, however challenges often coexist with opportunities. The regulations and policies has gradually become clear and pointed out the direction of industry development - returning to the focus on"harm reduction" and encouraging technological innovation centered on this to achieve original value of tobacco substitution products.

IIIF150 Air1, il Ruggedphone più sottile rivela


Si è conclusa con successo la fiera online per le macchine e le apparecchiature di produzione intelligenti per il commercio internazionale di Shaoxing 2022 (La Nuova via della seta)


Il 16 luglio, la fiera 2022 "Shaoxing Famous Machine Tool and Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Industry (La Nuova via della seta)" è stata organizzata dall'Ufficio Comunale di Commercio do Shaoxing, dal Consiglio cinese per la promozione del commercio internazionale e dalla camera di Commercio internazionale di Shaoxing.

Lo staff di China Eastern lavora sodo anche con 41.6 °C


Nell’ultimo periodo anche Shanghai sta affrontando il gran caldo estivo.

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